My work has largely centered on the vessel, using ultra thin slabs of textured terracotta, assembled and fired multiple times aiming to transform very simple materials into pottery that has its own distinctive characteristic. I want to create vessels with interesting configurations, surfaces and textures. I am fascinated by the alchemy that occurs when combining clay, smoke and fire culminating in the often magical changes that occur during the firing process. My work is fired multiple times, the final firing is a low temperature saggar firing with combustible materials producing a range of surprising and often unpredictable outcomes.
I endeavour to explore the full range of possibilities of one simple form, constantly changing it in an effort to magnify its creative potential as much as possible. My aim is to create pottery with an almost classical and timeless quality. // Mae fy ngwaith wedi canolbwyntio i raddau helaeth ar y darn cerameg unigol, gan ddefnyddio slabiau tenau o deracota gweadog, wedi eu cydosod a'u tanio sawl gwaith gan anelu at drawsnewid deunyddiau syml iawn yn grochenwaith sydd â'i nodwedd unigryw ei hun. Rwyf eisiau creu darnau gyda ffurfweddau, arwynebau a gweadau diddorol. Rwyf wedi cael fy ysbrydoli gan yr alcemi sy'n digwydd wrth gyfuno clai, mwg a thân gan arwain at y newidiadau hudol sy'n digwydd yn aml yn ystod y broses danio. Mae fy ngwaith yn cael ei danio sawl gwaith, y tanio olaf yw tanio saggar tymheredd isel gyda deunyddiau hylosg sy’n cynhyrchu ystod o ganlyniadau annisgwyl ac yn aml yn anrhagweladwy. Rwy'n ymdrechu i archwilio'r ystod lawn o bosibiliadau o un ffurf syml, gan ei newid yn gyson mewn ymdrech i chwyddo eu potensial creadigol gymaint â phosibl. Fy nod yw creu crochenwaith gydag ansawdd clasurol ac sy’n sefyll prawf amser. |
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