Print Maker / Gwneuthurwr Printiau
Ruth Thomas has been making original prints for 30 years. She has exhibited all over Great Britain, from St Ives to Dundee and from Aberystwyth to Lowestoft, as well as overseas, and has work in private collections in Australia, Europe, the UK, and the USA.
The natural environment has always been of great importance to Ruth and is a constant source of inspiration; this comes through clearly in her work. She often incorporates direct impressions from natural objects such as feathers, grass, leaves and seeds, and occasionally even dead spiders and snakeskin. She works across several low-tech printmaking processes, including collagraph (a print from a collage) and printing with hand-cut paper stencils. In addition to making her prints, Ruth runs printmaking workshops for children and adults. // Mae Ruth Thomas wedi bod yn gwneud printiau gwreiddiol ers 30 mlynedd. Mae hi wedi arddangos ledled Prydain Fawr, o St Ives i Dundee ac o Aberystwyth i Lowestoft, yn ogystal â thramor, ac mae ganddi waith mewn casgliadau preifat yn Awstralia, Ewrop, y DU, ac UDA. Mae'r amgylchedd naturiol bob amser wedi bod o bwys mawr i Ruth ac mae'n ffynhonnell ysbrydoliaeth gyson; daw hyn drwodd yn glir yn ei gwaith. Mae hi'n aml yn ymgorffori argraffiadau uniongyrchol o wrthrychau naturiol fel plu, glaswellt, dail a hadau, ac weithiau hyd yn oed pryfed cop marw a chroen nadroedd. Mae hi'n gweithio ar draws sawl proses printio technoleg isel, gan gynnwys collagraff (print o gollage) ac argraffu gyda stensiliau papur wedi'u torri â llaw. Yn ogystal â gwneud ei phrintiau, mae Ruth yn cynnal gweithdai gwneud printiau ar gyfer plant ac oedolion. |