For many years Simon Rich has been producing fine ceramics with his most distinctive glazes from his pottery in West Wales.
Simon had such a strong interest in pottery at an early age that he started, when fifteen years old, to teach the craft to his fellow pupils at school. Upon leaving school, Simon looked for an outlet for his creative talents and joined the studio of the famous Alan Caiger-Smith at the Aldermaston pottery. He remained there for five years before establishing himself with a series of exhibitions and shows. Simon is primarily concerned with creating pleasing shapes and forms. He conjures up images in his mind and turns them over and over until they are ready to be brought into being. He likes to explore the full potential of any one shape, developing it and endeavouring to expand on its creative potential as much as possible. He stops short of extremes, however, as his aim is to create pottery of classical and harmonious beauty. // Ers blynyddoedd lawer mae Simon Rich wedi bod yn cynhyrchu cerameg cain gyda’i wydrau nodedig o’i grochendy yng Ngorllewin Cymru. Roedd gan Simon ddiddordeb mawr mewn crochenwaith yn ifanc, pan yn bymtheg, i ddysgu’r grefft i’w gyd ddisgyblion yn yr ysgol. Ar ôl gadael yr ysgol, edrychodd Simon am allfa ar gyfer ei ddoniau creadigol gan ymuno â stiwdio enwog Alan Caiger-Smith yng nghrochendy Aldermaston. Arhosodd yno am bum mlynedd cyn sefydlu ei fusnes ei hun â chyfres o arddangosfeydd a sioeau. Mae Simon yn mwynhau creu siapiau a ffurfiau dymunol i’r llygad. Mae’n creu delweddau yn ei feddwl ac yn eu hail-drefnu yn ei feddwl nes i’r darn gael eu dwyn mewn i fodolaeth. Mae’n hoffi archwilio potensial llawn siapau, ei ddatblygu ac ymdrechu i ehangu ar ei botensial creadigol gymaint â phosibl. Mae’n stopio yn fyr o eithafion, fodd bynnag, ei nod yw creu crochenwaith o harddwch clasurol a chydgordiol. |
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