21 january - 19 march 2023
Many crafts people are inspired to create work that suggests a narrative to the onlooker. Personal experiences, stories from childhood, local & world news, poetry, songs - such a vast resource to inspire creative thought for us all. In Thread of a Story we have invited a small group of artists to share with us their specialist craft work and their love of the narrative.
Makers Guild Wales member Martin Weatherhead recently completed a large tapestry that has been inspired by the Mabinogion tale, Peredur. Four years of intensive weaving on a large loom led to the completed tapestry that stretches 4 metres x 2 metres.
Exhibiting with Martin are guild members Alison Moger, Jan Beeny, Margaret Brampton, Helen Higgins and guest textile artist Becky Adams.
Makers Guild Wales member Martin Weatherhead recently completed a large tapestry that has been inspired by the Mabinogion tale, Peredur. Four years of intensive weaving on a large loom led to the completed tapestry that stretches 4 metres x 2 metres.
Exhibiting with Martin are guild members Alison Moger, Jan Beeny, Margaret Brampton, Helen Higgins and guest textile artist Becky Adams.