With Other Eyes
19 January - 3 March 2019
With Other Eyes brings together a diverse range of international artists and makers, who include photography as an element in their work and who, through this engagement, contribute to the on-going discourse on photographic representation in the applied arts.
Artists: Stephen Bottomley (UK), Melissa Cameron (Australia/USA), Helen Carnac & David Gates (UK), Beate Gegenwart (Germany/Wales), Kiko Gianocca (Switzerland), Margit Hart (Austria), Rebecca Hannon (USA), Kirsten Haydon (Australia/NZ) Mari Ishikawa (Japan/Germany), Kaori Juzu (Japan/Denmark), Fritz Maierhofer (Austria), Ruudt Peters (The Netherlands), Ramon Puig Cuyas (Spain), Isabell Schaupp (Germany), Bettina Speckner (Germany), Gabi Veit (Italy/Switzerland), Silvia Walz (Germany/Spain), Gudrun Wiesmann (Germany), Tamar De Vries Winter (UK)
Curated by MGW member Beate Gegenwart. A touring exhibition from Ruthin Craft Centre.