29 may - 30 june 2021
Maker in Focus this month is textile artist and Maker Guild Wales member Alison Moger, showing her recent body of work inspired by memories and her artist in residence work with care homes. Titled Lunaria Annua/Honesty Plant, Alison has been writing her thoughts and words from the residency onto the Honesty seedpods. The passing of time, ageing and dementia reflected in how Alison has constructed and manipulated the pods to highlight fragility.
'This mystical plant with its connections of alchemy and the moon holds fond childhood memories for me. I have taken it into care homes whilst working with cARTrefu and the response was beautiful. My grandparents grew this plant and used the pods to decorate the window as a symbol of good luck once they had matured. When pealing back the folds my Grandmother would always refer to them as a reminder that in the autumn of your life true beauty and strength through honesty will always shine.'
This project has been made possible with the generous support of the Arts Council of Wales.
'This mystical plant with its connections of alchemy and the moon holds fond childhood memories for me. I have taken it into care homes whilst working with cARTrefu and the response was beautiful. My grandparents grew this plant and used the pods to decorate the window as a symbol of good luck once they had matured. When pealing back the folds my Grandmother would always refer to them as a reminder that in the autumn of your life true beauty and strength through honesty will always shine.'
This project has been made possible with the generous support of the Arts Council of Wales.